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Katherine Sports and Family Chiropractic  provides a friendly environment where patients will feel welcomed, comfortable and relaxed. Our warm and approachable reception staff take pleasure in helping make your experience with us a happy and enjoyable one.  Our practice is located on the main street at 12/15 Katherine Terrace (opposite Shell service station) in with Laser Clinic Katherine and CLM Sleep Co.



In preparation for your consultation at Katherine Sports and Family Chiropractic, the patient will be asked to fill out forms that provide background information regarding your symptoms, a brief family medical history, to list any  pre-existing medical conditions or prior injuries, and let us know about any previous or current health providers treatments.


Chiropractic is safe, effective and provides long lasting relief from a wide range of symptoms that lead to poor health. A lot of people are not aware of these symptoms that are frequently relived with chiropractic care:



Chiropractors treat the problem–not the symptom– by relieving vertebral subluxations in your body to get you back to optimum health.

A vertebral subluxation is a stress response. Muscles go into spasm, spinal bones lock up, and adjacent nerves are choked or chafed. This interferes with the control and regulation of your body and garbles communications between the brain and parts of your body. Distorted nerve communications can be an underlying cause of many health problems beyond just headaches and back pain.

With an all – natural approach to health, Chiropractors correct spinal misalignments which interfere with your nervous system. The central nervous system in the spine serves as the pathway for all of the body’s communication. Only a chiropractic examination can detect vertebral subluxation, and only specific chiropractic spinal adjustments can reduce their effect to your nervous system naturally by removing interference so that all of your bodily functions, your organs and your immune system can operate at the maximum efficiency nature intended.




Latest Clinic News:


Introducing Dr Landon Page


Dr. Landon Page has worked at our Clinic for 12 months. Landon qualified as a Doctor of Chiropractic at MacQuarie University in Sydney in 2003.
Since earning his Degree, Landon has worked in various practices around Brisbane and the Gold Coast.
Landon takes a special interest in Pediatric, and Sports Chiropractic including Extremity Adjustments using Applied Kinesiology.

Landon is interested in lots of water sports, kite surfing and camping. He also loves to get down to the snow whenever possible.


Introducing Dr Sam Gill

Originally from the Northern Beaches, Sam was first introduced to chiropractic after suffering recurrent sporting injuries and digestive imbalances. The changes in both his sports performance and overall wellbeing inspired him to study chiropractic.

After graduating with both a Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and a Master of Chiropractic degree from Macquarie University, Sam spent the next 3 years gaining international experience in practices across Scotland and Denmark. Sam went on to further study in Applied Kinesiology, Neuro-emotional Technique and Sacro-occipital Technique, looking deeper into the impact of physical, chemical and emotional stressors on the body.

“I find that having an integrated approach to facilitating optimal health and function, really helps achieve greater balance in our nervous system, body and lives.”



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